Brotherly love
Brotherly love
I never really have too much to say when I start a new blog. I usually don't even have anything on my mind when I start to type. This is my explanation for long post-less periods. I don't really feel bad about disappointing my fans because I am pretty sure that my roommates and my mom are the only people who read them. They don't even like me very much, especially my mom.The other day I was talking to my younger brother online, he and his new girlfriend were sitting and chatting to each others friends. They were sharing a chair, using two different screen names, but one computer, and rotating as to who was talking to whom... disgustingly cute.My brother has never been much of the dating type, and he's always been on the goofy side (intentionally or not), I can't say much about his girlfriend because I don't know her. I met her and hung out with her for a little bit before they started dating, she seems pretty cool.It's funny because I am being careful not to say anything about her that might offend her on the off chance that she might read this. Like, if my mom got all dumb, and mean, and told my brother that I was talking about him on my blog, then he reads it, and shows it to her, and she gets all offended, and pissed at me, and then I have to apologize for saying things that she didn't like because I know that if I didn't apologize(and do a good job of it too!) she would do everything in her power to marry my brother just so that she could hate on my for the rest of my life and ruin family get-togethers to teach people like me a lesson. PLUS, she'd make their kids hate me so that I couldn't be the "cool uncle" Joses That I know I already am (even though there's no one to uncle over). DAMIT! Why does she have to be like that? I never did anything to her!!I seriously don't know what her problem is, I thought she was cool when they first got together; I was even rooting for them to get together sooner than they did. I try to be supportive and now I have to deal with this psychopathic happiness hater till one of us dies... My bro could die and it wouldn't change things. Because she'd still be part of the family, you all know how that goes.One thing I'll never understand about girls is how they can take one little thing and blow it so far out of proportion. It's usually something that isn't even meant the way they take it either. Then they go and through this big elaborate drama about things like it's a life-or-death situation. Ridiculous I say... Ridiculous
I never really have too much to say when I start a new blog. I usually don't even have anything on my mind when I start to type. This is my explanation for long post-less periods. I don't really feel bad about disappointing my fans because I am pretty sure that my roommates and my mom are the only people who read them. They don't even like me very much, especially my mom.The other day I was talking to my younger brother online, he and his new girlfriend were sitting and chatting to each others friends. They were sharing a chair, using two different screen names, but one computer, and rotating as to who was talking to whom... disgustingly cute.My brother has never been much of the dating type, and he's always been on the goofy side (intentionally or not), I can't say much about his girlfriend because I don't know her. I met her and hung out with her for a little bit before they started dating, she seems pretty cool.It's funny because I am being careful not to say anything about her that might offend her on the off chance that she might read this. Like, if my mom got all dumb, and mean, and told my brother that I was talking about him on my blog, then he reads it, and shows it to her, and she gets all offended, and pissed at me, and then I have to apologize for saying things that she didn't like because I know that if I didn't apologize(and do a good job of it too!) she would do everything in her power to marry my brother just so that she could hate on my for the rest of my life and ruin family get-togethers to teach people like me a lesson. PLUS, she'd make their kids hate me so that I couldn't be the "cool uncle" Joses That I know I already am (even though there's no one to uncle over). DAMIT! Why does she have to be like that? I never did anything to her!!I seriously don't know what her problem is, I thought she was cool when they first got together; I was even rooting for them to get together sooner than they did. I try to be supportive and now I have to deal with this psychopathic happiness hater till one of us dies... My bro could die and it wouldn't change things. Because she'd still be part of the family, you all know how that goes.One thing I'll never understand about girls is how they can take one little thing and blow it so far out of proportion. It's usually something that isn't even meant the way they take it either. Then they go and through this big elaborate drama about things like it's a life-or-death situation. Ridiculous I say... Ridiculous
At 7:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's funny how you say that girls are the ones who make a big something out of nothing. This whole post was a huge something about absolutely nothing. Without even saying anything bad about your brother girlfriend, you cooked up this huge drama about what COULD happen if you had said something that could be taken offensively, which you didn't. Seems to me that guys are equally as good as girls at making a big something out of absolutely nothing. Ironic, huh? Or does that make you a girl? I'm just not sure. You should get back to me on that one.
At 8:28 AM,
Michael said…
Sounds to me you got it right --- from the heart. You titled this "Brotherly Love" --
THAT's what is important here.
Seems from your blog posting- that in the end you love and care for your brother and despite what parent and girlfriend think or feel.
If you are TRUE to yourself.- it is WAY COOL !
As for the girlfriend, it's too early to tell. It's not all that important what other people think and feel about you. Let them BE - and if they ( brother and girlfriend have a relationship or developminto a long term thing it is not based on how you feel about them it's about them - NOT YOU!
Take notice that YOU have the responsibility of being the brother and the son and the friend to the now girlfriend and wish and hope and pray for the BEST for all.
Then, evferyone has a chance to grow and BE, just who they are.
What do you think?
Got It ?
michael a of two younger brothers and father of 6. you are welcome to visit my blog and comment.
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
huh.....funny set of principles you've founded the by this is the girlfriend's Canadian roomate, who, while she would like to point out that the girlfriend (who does happen to have a name...Lee) didn't really care about that stuff that you said, was vastly offended. Wow that was a complicated sentence. No seriously though, i just thought it was all funny, except for the part about my roomie being a "psychopathic happiness hater." nothing could be further from the truth. She's really very sweet, if a little morbid (ask michael about ripping up the teddy bear...and the time she went goth....and other such strange happenings). Anyhow, i just wanted to say that, and that i'm Canadian and can cross check you at any time i choose, thereby causing you serious bodily harm.....haha....never mind that i weigh a grand total of 99 pounds. Ok anyways. it i suppose. Yeah. Cheerio then.
At 2:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey joses,
This is "the girlfriend" (insert scary music here). So you lucked out with this post because it was freaking hilarious and all of us around here were highly amused. But I'd be careful in the future, if the next one isn't as funny I just might marry your brother in order to spite you, and from there it would be all down hill. You would never be able to be the "cool uncle" that you long to be. I also have a question for does one actually know they are a cool uncle when they lack people to uncle? Its just a passing thought. It ran along the same lines as my remembering that you'll be in town in a couple weeks and we might actually get to see eachother again......this could be fun. I hope you enjoyed the note from the roommate, she really is an enjoyable little one......also very spunky. Seriously though, that entry was enjoyed greatly by quite a few people around here. Good to know that you have a sense of humor. Well anyway, must be going now. Have a nice afternoon.
P.S. The roomie wasn't joking about the cross checking, she's gotten your brother, she can get you too.....crazy Canadians.
At 7:42 AM,
Joses said…
To the "canadian roomate"and the "girlfriend"~ I know "the girlfriend has a name, and I know you have a name, if I could spell your name I might consider putting it in this comment, however, for the sake of anonymity I do my best not to include the "real names" of all the made up charachters in my stories. Everybody knows none of this stuff is true... At least they USED TOO! I don't know who you two people are, but you did a fine job with those comments. I had a good thing going for me and now it's gone.
Thanks for ruining the illusion people... thanks alot!!!
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