Making up the truth

...and other stuff that doesn't matter

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"Today is the greatest day I've ever known"

I remember some that I liked more, but today is the last one I know I made it through alive, That's great!
I used to say that my mom and some random bloggers were the only people that read my blog, but I found out today that my mom doesn't read it anymore... Is that depressing?
I think she got tired of looking it up for two years while I was busy climbing mountains and then riding down them (but mostly watching youtube videos about things like that) that she gave up on me. And now that I started to write again - she doesn't care. She still likes me I think, even though they haven't been answering the phone since they got caller ID and voice mail. I guess some things run strong in our family.
When people leave me comments it inspires me to make fun of them and write moreinteresting blogs... Any takers?


  • At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the good work.


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