While considering different options for fundraising recently I received several suggestions from my co-workers and to be honest I hated all of their ideas, so much in fact that I wanted to punch them in the face for not having such bad ideas.
When I realized I had that feeling, I was suddenly hit with maybe the best fundraising idea EVER!, in the history of EVER!!
announcing!!... The First Annual Punch In The Face For Youth Fundraiser.
Starting November 1st we will be looking for volunteers to help arrange this innovative fundraising event. If you are interested please leave you information in the comment box along with a short explanation of why you would like to be a part of PITFFY.
Here's how it all works;
Volunteers will begin collecting nominations and pledges beginning December 1st.
A list of recipients will be compiled from the nominations received.
Pledges will be made by those who've made nominations.
Nominees will be given the choice of participating or getting punched in the face for free.
Once a person makes a pledge the are automatically ineligible to be a punchee.
Punchers will be selected via random lottery from a list of hopefuls.
On new years eve the winners will have the opportunity to punch their nominee in the face.
I personally know that there are a number of people that would like to punch me in the face.
In the spirit of the event, I am volunteering to let not 1 but 2 of this years most generous supporters to punch me directly in the face. Sign up and make a pledge for your chance!
The event will take place on Saturday, December 31st at approximately 4 pm.
All are invited to attend, bring you family friends, and your cameras!
There will be live music, top entertainers as well as celebrity appearances scheduled, refreshments will be provided.
(We ask that only selected participants and recipients take part in the face punching portion of the event.)
Let's be honest friends, everybody knows someone they would like to see punched in the face, and many of us know someone personally that we would like to punch in the face.
It might be someone at work, your boss, your secretary, maybe your local news caster, an in-law, your ex or even your best friend that you'd like to punch in the face.
This could be your chance to do just that, and lets face it people, it's for a good cause.
And what better time to do it than new years eve when just a few short hours later you can turn over a new leaf and make a new years resolution to put all the punching behind you,
at least that is, next years event rolls around!
Keep An Eye Out For These...
We hope you can join us for other fundraising events coming soon including:
Kick em in the nuts (male nominees only please)
Bitch Slap Tom Cruise (don't sue me Tommy)
Knock Out Your Tax Collector (just in time for tax season)
and Cage Match With Your In-laws (set for next holiday season)
When I realized I had that feeling, I was suddenly hit with maybe the best fundraising idea EVER!, in the history of EVER!!
announcing!!... The First Annual Punch In The Face For Youth Fundraiser.
Starting November 1st we will be looking for volunteers to help arrange this innovative fundraising event. If you are interested please leave you information in the comment box along with a short explanation of why you would like to be a part of PITFFY.
Here's how it all works;
Volunteers will begin collecting nominations and pledges beginning December 1st.
A list of recipients will be compiled from the nominations received.
Pledges will be made by those who've made nominations.
Nominees will be given the choice of participating or getting punched in the face for free.
Once a person makes a pledge the are automatically ineligible to be a punchee.
Punchers will be selected via random lottery from a list of hopefuls.
On new years eve the winners will have the opportunity to punch their nominee in the face.
I personally know that there are a number of people that would like to punch me in the face.
In the spirit of the event, I am volunteering to let not 1 but 2 of this years most generous supporters to punch me directly in the face. Sign up and make a pledge for your chance!
The event will take place on Saturday, December 31st at approximately 4 pm.
All are invited to attend, bring you family friends, and your cameras!
There will be live music, top entertainers as well as celebrity appearances scheduled, refreshments will be provided.
(We ask that only selected participants and recipients take part in the face punching portion of the event.)
Let's be honest friends, everybody knows someone they would like to see punched in the face, and many of us know someone personally that we would like to punch in the face.
It might be someone at work, your boss, your secretary, maybe your local news caster, an in-law, your ex or even your best friend that you'd like to punch in the face.
This could be your chance to do just that, and lets face it people, it's for a good cause.
And what better time to do it than new years eve when just a few short hours later you can turn over a new leaf and make a new years resolution to put all the punching behind you,
at least that is, next years event rolls around!
Keep An Eye Out For These...
We hope you can join us for other fundraising events coming soon including:
Kick em in the nuts (male nominees only please)
Bitch Slap Tom Cruise (don't sue me Tommy)
Knock Out Your Tax Collector (just in time for tax season)
and Cage Match With Your In-laws (set for next holiday season)
At 6:42 PM,
LeilaniAngel said…
Only you would think of that....only you!!
At 9:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like great fun....
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