It's F-Fu-F-Cold!
Well geez! It's freaking cold outside. In case you haven't taken the opportunity to read some of my long ago postings let me (at the risk of being redundant) tell you how much I hate the cold.
The other day we woke up and the temperature had dropped below 40, when I woke up My forehead was numb... my forehead! It was the only part out from under the covers in the air so cold that it made my forehead numb. Isn't your head sapposed to be one of the warmest parts of your body? Haven't I heard that 1/3 of your body heat escapes through your head? Maybe thats only when you are standing up and the heat has no choice but to rise up through your body cause thats what heat does. So does that mean everyone is a hot-head? I think it does, at least when they are standing up. Maybe they shouldn't be hot-headed when they sleep though.
One thing I know for sure was that the other morning I was definatly NOT happy about not being a hot-head. I was pissed! I got out of bed and I said mean things to the air, I know I probley shouldn't have but I think it needed to hear what I had to say and besides it was all it's fault anyway. I thought I would feel a little bad about it later but I didn't.
I don't know if I have ever been quite so hot-headed about not being hot-headed at a time when a person shouldn't even be hot headed.
No, I take that back, one time my brother set the furnace so that it would drop to 55 at 11pm because he heard on chicago radio that it would save money and people usually slept better when it was cooler. The problem there s we have radiators, and it takes a couple days for them to get up to temp cause we have a huge giant old house, so once they cooled down enough for the thermostat to drop, it was gonna take like 4 hours for them to warm back up and in that time the house temp went even lower.
That caused some tension here in the house let me tell you what.
After I had been up for a while I decided it was time to turn the furnace o for the winter.
So I and a roomate got out the matches, and I think they were broken. They wouldn't lite, and they were those little strike anywherematches, I tried it on my zipper, on the concrete floor, on the brick wall, on the metal furnace, even on the side of my face (like in the movies where the tough guys are all like "look at me, I am so hardcore my face is rouch like a stone") and out of like six matches I only got one of them to light.
Once the furnace was running I let go of the pilot light and it freaking went out, the little bugger was to cold to stay lit. So we let it run for a while and then tried it later, but still nothing. I Finally ended up holding the dang thing on for like ten minutes to get it to stay lit. Then I got worried it wouldn't stay lit so I left for the weekend just in case the house got blowed up. I mean I wouldn't want to be in the house if it blew up would you? I showed my roomate how to check and make sure it was still going though, I didn't tell him why I was leaving I made up some story about going to see my girlfriend or something like that just to keep him from wondering.
I think it worked cause he was still here when I got back.
After six hours it was like 4 degrees warmer in the house, so I was still pissed. That was right about the time I left. My car has heat.
The other day we woke up and the temperature had dropped below 40, when I woke up My forehead was numb... my forehead! It was the only part out from under the covers in the air so cold that it made my forehead numb. Isn't your head sapposed to be one of the warmest parts of your body? Haven't I heard that 1/3 of your body heat escapes through your head? Maybe thats only when you are standing up and the heat has no choice but to rise up through your body cause thats what heat does. So does that mean everyone is a hot-head? I think it does, at least when they are standing up. Maybe they shouldn't be hot-headed when they sleep though.
One thing I know for sure was that the other morning I was definatly NOT happy about not being a hot-head. I was pissed! I got out of bed and I said mean things to the air, I know I probley shouldn't have but I think it needed to hear what I had to say and besides it was all it's fault anyway. I thought I would feel a little bad about it later but I didn't.
I don't know if I have ever been quite so hot-headed about not being hot-headed at a time when a person shouldn't even be hot headed.
No, I take that back, one time my brother set the furnace so that it would drop to 55 at 11pm because he heard on chicago radio that it would save money and people usually slept better when it was cooler. The problem there s we have radiators, and it takes a couple days for them to get up to temp cause we have a huge giant old house, so once they cooled down enough for the thermostat to drop, it was gonna take like 4 hours for them to warm back up and in that time the house temp went even lower.
That caused some tension here in the house let me tell you what.
After I had been up for a while I decided it was time to turn the furnace o for the winter.
So I and a roomate got out the matches, and I think they were broken. They wouldn't lite, and they were those little strike anywherematches, I tried it on my zipper, on the concrete floor, on the brick wall, on the metal furnace, even on the side of my face (like in the movies where the tough guys are all like "look at me, I am so hardcore my face is rouch like a stone") and out of like six matches I only got one of them to light.
Once the furnace was running I let go of the pilot light and it freaking went out, the little bugger was to cold to stay lit. So we let it run for a while and then tried it later, but still nothing. I Finally ended up holding the dang thing on for like ten minutes to get it to stay lit. Then I got worried it wouldn't stay lit so I left for the weekend just in case the house got blowed up. I mean I wouldn't want to be in the house if it blew up would you? I showed my roomate how to check and make sure it was still going though, I didn't tell him why I was leaving I made up some story about going to see my girlfriend or something like that just to keep him from wondering.
I think it worked cause he was still here when I got back.
After six hours it was like 4 degrees warmer in the house, so I was still pissed. That was right about the time I left. My car has heat.
At 9:09 AM,
LeilaniAngel said…
You are the most random hilarious person I know...and I love you.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are very interesting person to read about....I love how you just write what is on your mind...
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