Making up the truth

...and other stuff that doesn't matter

Monday, May 23, 2005

Time's against us!

Well, I'm back~!!
I know it's been awhile since my last entry, sorry folks.
I have finally returned from my trip to Europe and I have to admit although I had a great time, I did get a little homesick...
I hope you all were paying very close attention because I just gave three examples of things that I will never say:
One-that I was homesick.
Two-that I visited Europe.
And the final most important-An apology for not writing.
I'll write whenever I feel like it and you need to just get off my back about it. While we are on the subject I noticed that alot of people are reading my blogs and not leaving a comment. Do you think that you are special? Is it fun for you to just come here and fondle your mouse through my hours and hours of hard work? I can't express how much this hurts me! I try to be a kind and gnerous person to as many people as possible but I can't help but feel violent towards those of you who choose not to have anything either nteresting or boring to say! I mean even that guy(I think) who freaking hates me leaves comments. No they're not nice but at least it gives me some feed back. Look, All I ask is that you say something... I'm fine with it being mean, stupid, boring, uninteresting, whatever. If you want to analize what I write or if you want to try to analize me by what I write that's fine, go ahead, I'm fine with you being wrong.
To be honest nobody can say how long this will last, least of all me!
I could be crossing the street tomorrow on my lunch break and... BAM!!!, OUT OF NOWHERE!!!, JUST LIKE THAT!!!, someone smashes right into my internet and it's all over. This stuff happens everyday and you are left with the regret of missed oppertunities.
I don't want to dramatize you with this sad story, I just don't want you to miss your chance.
I guess this is all just comming out because I visited my family last weekend, I hadn't been to visit my parents for a while and I kinda missed it back home so I went to visit before I go to Germany next month. I got to thinkin' about everything and stuff just got to me. I should have said something sooner but I just never took the time. I'm sorry I didn't write about it before guys, I'll try my best not to let that happen again... :'( Big love