A Sound That Forces Tears
That summer has left me anxious for some time, and somewhat unsatisfied to play music. I love it so much, and I have come across so many great songs that I think would be awesome to cover, but not alone. I am not a great singer, I think though, that I have a charisma that can add to a song or give some grits to a performance. I like to back up. I want to play. I love to play. Sometimes I need to play.
Now, right now, I need to hear someone else sing and only assist them.
I am listening very carefully to the voices around me eagerly searching and hoping to find the sound I hear in my head that overpowers my voice when I sing alone. It is powerful sonic I can't quite describe, I merely catch a glimpse of it when certain people stretch outside of their comfortable range and just barely, but completely achieve their vocal destination. There is a rush in a listeners body that comes when they hear an uncommon vocal achievement. It is the vulnerability, the risk that makes that sound so sweet.
I am listening for a Siren that can draw people toward the supra-soft sound of the emotionally enlisting nature in the almost rock guitar I play in a way that I only wish I could sing. Some people have the ability to incite that certain rush with every melodic word they preach from the pulpit of their voice to the congregation of ears not defiled by the weight of the ear buds that so commonly assist their quest for reverbial treasures.