Making up the truth

...and other stuff that doesn't matter

Saturday, February 26, 2005

"Great personality"

I've been asked often;
'What's most important to you in a girlfriend?'
, to which I can quickly reply "Personality". Sometimes I've been asked;
'What's the first thing you notice about a girl?'

I usually say the eyes, or smile, something like that.
Thankfully I have never been asked;
'what is the first thing that attracts you to another person?

I am glad for that. Who wants to be asked something like that? Not me!
It's not so much the question that bothers me. It's answering the question that I want to avoid.
If I am asked this question, and I choose to answer it, one of two things will happen.
Either I will lie, and deal with that on my conscience not to mention risk them finding out that I lied and be upset with me not because they didn't get the acurate answer but because I was dishonest with them. Or I will choose the less favorable option.
There is another posibility though. One that has worked well for me and every politician ever interviewed by television. Instead of answering the question I will give a statement on the same subject without directly or indirectly answering the specific question in anyway...

Q: "So Joses, what are you first attracted to in a woman?"
A: "Tom, I really think that personality is the most important thing to me in a relationship, a persons morals obviously are very important to how we relate to each other but without compatable personalities you won't have much of a future"
Q: "Really? Personality is the first thing you'd notice upon meeting someone in a restaurant?"
A: "I really think to have a future with someone you must have common ideals, I don't think it's so important that all your interest be the same so long as you can support each other in the various activities which the other participates."
Q: "How do you react to the physical appearance of a person at first sight?"
A: "A persons physical features are a mere portion of what makes a person unique. I think that it is a terrible thing to judge someone before allowing them to demonstrait their capabilities and skills.

This is the most ideal way to handle the question I think. Certianly better than the truth.
I'm not about to answer that question to anybody. If anybody was reading this I certainly wouldn't key it out.

The only people I want to answer that question around are the people who would never ask me the question in the first place..."the guys".
It's with them and only with them, during those special times, that I can act a fool and be a totally chauvanistic, shallow, explicit, stupid, insensitive, pathetic, obnoxious pig without trace of emotion, operating solely off my sex drive and not feel bad about it.
What a glorious thing to have, a group of people that will allow you to say everything opposite of decent and laugh along while you say it. Truth or not, they don't care.

These are the only people I want to tell the shallow truth to. They are the ones that are gonna support me in my view. It's their oppinion that is least important to me in the long run. They are not the people I am concerned about hurting, and so they are the people I am able to be the most honest with. If the good people in my life knew how shallow I was they certainly wouldn't want to know me.
I know good and well that if any of them had the same superficial attractions as I do they would never think to speak about it, much less ask me what I was first attracted to in another person.
Or would they?

Friday, February 25, 2005

Brotherly love

Brotherly love
I never really have too much to say when I start a new blog. I usually don't even have anything on my mind when I start to type. This is my explanation for long post-less periods. I don't really feel bad about disappointing my fans because I am pretty sure that my roommates and my mom are the only people who read them. They don't even like me very much, especially my mom.The other day I was talking to my younger brother online, he and his new girlfriend were sitting and chatting to each others friends. They were sharing a chair, using two different screen names, but one computer, and rotating as to who was talking to whom... disgustingly cute.My brother has never been much of the dating type, and he's always been on the goofy side (intentionally or not), I can't say much about his girlfriend because I don't know her. I met her and hung out with her for a little bit before they started dating, she seems pretty cool.It's funny because I am being careful not to say anything about her that might offend her on the off chance that she might read this. Like, if my mom got all dumb, and mean, and told my brother that I was talking about him on my blog, then he reads it, and shows it to her, and she gets all offended, and pissed at me, and then I have to apologize for saying things that she didn't like because I know that if I didn't apologize(and do a good job of it too!) she would do everything in her power to marry my brother just so that she could hate on my for the rest of my life and ruin family get-togethers to teach people like me a lesson. PLUS, she'd make their kids hate me so that I couldn't be the "cool uncle" Joses That I know I already am (even though there's no one to uncle over). DAMIT! Why does she have to be like that? I never did anything to her!!I seriously don't know what her problem is, I thought she was cool when they first got together; I was even rooting for them to get together sooner than they did. I try to be supportive and now I have to deal with this psychopathic happiness hater till one of us dies... My bro could die and it wouldn't change things. Because she'd still be part of the family, you all know how that goes.One thing I'll never understand about girls is how they can take one little thing and blow it so far out of proportion. It's usually something that isn't even meant the way they take it either. Then they go and through this big elaborate drama about things like it's a life-or-death situation. Ridiculous I say... Ridiculous